Our work is characterized by a human rights and gender perspective that permeates every teaching resource and educational tool, awareness workshop, and campaign for the promotion of citizenship and social justice.
Guide for professionals, Attention to
cyber-violence against women

Guide developed within the framework of the project ‘Insular Service for the Prevention and Attention to Sexist Cyber ​​Violence -SIPACM-‘. Financed by the Cabildo of Gran Canaria and the Canarian Institute of Equality of the Government of the Canary Islands. 2024.

Resource only in Spanish*
‘Digital ethics, cybercitizenship and youth in Gran Canaria. Participatory diagnosis’.
Study carried out within the framework of the ‘Digital Ethics and Cybercitizenship’ project. It includes initiatives, obstacles and proposals to promote responsible and participatory uses of the network. Funded by the Citizen Participation Unit of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria. 2022-2023.
Resource only in Spanish*
Cybermachismos: Would it be the same if it were a man?
Podcast in Abriendo el Melón by WomenCLM. Ana Lydia, director of Opciónate; together with Nira Santana, researcher and teacher in gender and videogames, will talk in this episode about existing cybermachismos and gender inequalities in social networks and videogames. WomenCLM 2023.
Resource only in Spanish*
Infographic on Cyber-violence.
Cyberpassport for Equality Campaign with the project “Desconectando” by the City Council of Valsequillo de Gran Canaria and funded by the Department of Equality of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria. 2022.
Resource only in Spanish*
Participatory diagnosis on Conciliation and Employment in La Aldea de San Nicolás, 2022.

Promoted by the Town Council of La Aldea de San Nicolás, financed by the Department of Equality of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria. 2022.

Resource only in Spanish*
Video on cyberequality with some of the students of the project with the aim of reaching out to other young people and the general public.
Cyberpassport for Equality’ in Guía is a campaign promoted by the Department of Equality of the City Council of Santa María de Guía, in the framework of the project for the development of the state pact against gender violence financed by the Ministry of Equality and implemented by Opciónate.
Resource only in Spanish*
From Muses to Artists.
Fanzine created by Nerea Jiménez Mesa and Paula Arencibia Pérez for Opciónate that narrates real experiences of women artists who have lived through situations of harassment for reasons of sex in the workplace. 2022.
Resource only in Spanish*
Video Cyberpassport for Equality LPGC.
Cyberpassport Citizenship for Equality is a campaign aimed at pupils and teachers in the last cycle of primary school in nine schools in the city and one secondary school. This video has been produced together with the young cyberactivists. It is funded by the Department of Equality and Diversity of the City Council of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the State Pact against Gender Violence. 2022.
Resource only in Spanish*
Quiz- Care.
Promoted by the Town Council of La Aldea de San Nicolás, co-financed by the Department of Equality of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria. 2022.
Resource only in Spanish*
Cyberpassport for Equality Quiz.
Funded by the Department of Equality and Diversity of the City Council of LPGC and the Department of Equality of the City Council of Santa María de Guía. 2022.
Resource only in Spanish*
Cyberpassport Quiz for a better world.
Funded by the Citizen Participation Unit of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria. 2021.
Resource only in Spanish*
Guide for families. How to prevent, detect and act against male chauvinist cyber-violence.
Financed by the Ayuntamiento de la Villa de Firgas with funds from the Pacto de Estado Contra la Violencia de Género. 2022.
Resource only in Spanish*
Report on Young People and e-Citizenship. Results of the Cyberpassport to a Better World questionnaire.
Reflection on different aspects of democratic cybercitizenship and on their own practices and forms of social participation in the Internet environment. Funded by the Citizen Participation Unit of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria. 2020-2022.
Resource only in Spanish*
Map of resources and actions for the prevention, care and response to male chauvinist cyber-violence.
Funded by the Department of Equality of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria. 2022.
Resource only in Spanish*
Report on the research into male chauvinist cyber-violence : an analysis of the current reality in Gran Canaria 2022.
Funded by the Department of Equality of the Council of Gran Canaria. 2022.
Resource only in Spanish*
Ciberigualdad + Guide
Funded by the Regional Ministry of Education, Universities, Culture and Sports of the Government of the Canary Islands. 2022.
Resource only in Spanish*
Dossier 3. Consultancy services. Equality plans in companies in La Aldea de San Nicolás.
Funded by the Town Council of La Aldea de San Nicolás and the Department for Equality of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria. 2022.
Resource only in Spanish*
Dossier 2. Guides, protocols and models. Equality plans in companies in La Aldea de San Nicolás.
Funded by the Town Council of La Aldea de San Nicolás and the Department of Equality of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria. 2022.
Resource only in Spanish*
Dossier 1. Legislative framework. Equality plans in companies in La Aldea de San Nicolás.
Funded by the Town Council of La Aldea de San Nicolás and the Department of Equality of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria. 2022.
Resource only in Spanish*
Full video of the campaign Mujer tenías que Ser.
Promoted by the Town Council of La Aldea de San Nicolás, co-financed by the Department of Equality of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria. 2022.
Resource only in Spanish*
Video summary of the campaign Mujer tenías que Ser.
Promoted by the Town Council of La Aldea de San Nicolás, co-financed by the Department of Equality of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria. 2022.
Resource only in Spanish*
Video for the employability of women, project “Cruzando Redes”: Gender mainstreaming in Valsequillo.
Empowerment and labour insertion of women, gender mainstreaming and institutionalisation, training, awareness raising and sensitisation in equality between women and men. Funded by the Town Council of Valsequillo de Gran Canaria and the Department of Equality of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria. 2020-2021. See trailer.
Resource only in Spanish*
Video Youth for a Democratic Cybercitizenship and Cyberpassport for a Better World Campaign including videos produced by participants.
Promotion of digital citizenship and social participation of the island’s youth through the internet. Reflection on different aspects of democratic cybercitizenship and on their own practices and forms of social participation in the Internet environment. Funded by the Citizen Participation Unit of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria. 2020-2022.
Video LiderA: Experiential and participative training in Leadership for young women in Gran Canaria.
Funded by the Department of Equality of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria. 2020-2021.
Webinar “Good Practices. An approach to cyber-violence against women and girls”.
Funded by the Cabildo de Gran Canaria. 2020.
Webinar “An approach to cyber-violence against women and girls: Macho cyber-violence”.
Funded by the Department of Equality of the City Council of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. 2020.
Videos for the prevention of gender violence among young people in Mogán.
Funded by the Concejalía de Igualdad del Ayuntamiento de Mogán. 2019.
Board game “Free to choose”.
Board Game “Free to choose”, contributes to reflect with students on gender stereotypes and roles that influence young people’s professional choices.

European level (Spain, Cyprus, Slovenia, Italy and Portugal). Funded by the European Commission’s Justice call. 2019-2017.