Women, girls, science and technology
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In view of these results, certain objectives are proposed and prioritized, such as making innovative studies and professions more visible and promoting them, as well as eliminating gender biases in access to jobs, in obtaining research grants and in reaching representative positions, among others.
In 2022, the reform of the Law on Science, Technology and Innovation was also definitively approved, and among its proposals there are some aimed at equality, such as the creation of a gender equality label for R&D&I centers that accredit achieving excellence criteria in this field, promoting affirmative action measures, reconciliation and co-responsibility, etc.
At Opciónate we understand that in order to achieve these objectives it is also necessary to address them from childhood, from the very games and interests that drive the media and the figures of reference. Therefore, in a transversal way in each of our actions we are committed to break down gender stereotypes, encouraging girls and adolescents to use and enjoy activities that include science and technology. In addition, we promote the visibility of women working in these sectors and we carry out actions aimed at eliminating sexist barriers throughout the labor process, such as hiring or professional promotion.
We work advising institutions in the sector and carrying out projects that promote the overthrow of sexist stereotypes. All this, from a rights-based and intercultural approach, with participatory and experiential methodologies.