E-citizenship and digital ethics 

A line of work to promote online citizen participation based on a digital ethic that allows coexistence based on respect, fairness and good treatment.

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At Opciónate we are aware of the important role that the Internet and ICTs play in our lives and how they can influence our ways of thinking, communicating and participating socially and politically. Given this unstoppable development, it is essential to promote greater knowledge about the rights and responsibilities we have as cybercitizens and to raise awareness that in our hands is also the possibility of influencing and achieving changes that improve the online and offline society we inhabit.

We work from a rights-based, gender and intercultural approach through a participatory and experiential methodology based on service-learning (reflection-action-evaluation), where people become protagonists, fostering greater emotional and social intelligence. This allows us to identify and evaluate our own practices in the networks, contents and interrelationships in the online world and to define individual and collective proposals for improvement.

Main projects of the cybercitizenship line

Gender Equality Consulting to the ACIISI

Gender Equality Consulting to the ACIISI

Date of implementation: April 2024 - November 2024 Funded by: Agencia Canaria de investigación, Innovación y Sociedad de la Información (Canary Islands Agency for Research, Innovation and the Information Society) Description: Opciónate collaborates again in 2024 as a gender equality advisor ...
CyberRESISTANCE. Facing the third digital gender gap and cyber-violence in childhood: co-education, opportunities and resistance

CyberRESISTANCE. Facing the third digital gender gap and cyber-violence in childhood: co-education, opportunities and resistance

Date of implementation: 2023-2026 Financia: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, ...
To be, being and participating in the digital era

To be, being and participating in the digital era

Name: 'To be, being and participating in the digital era' Client: Directorate for Citizen ...

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