LiderA: Online training for the empowerment and social engagement of young women

Client: Cabildo of Gran Canaria, Equality Office

Dates: 2021-2020        

Scope: Social Project and Personal Development

Services: Development, Training, Consulting.


Between September 2020 and March 2021, thanks to funds from the Cabildo de Gran Canaria Office for Equality, Opciónate will host the LiderA training project for the promotion of women’s empowerment and social engagement with blended and online training programmes aimed at 50 young women aged between 18 and 35 years.

This training process is structured into debate, individual and collective reflection, and coaching to educate on feminism and promote political and social engagement of women. The initiative will count the participation of leading women from Gran Canaria in different areas of interest who will give a brief lecture on their leadership processes that will be available online at a later stage, as well as an online or in-person meeting with young women to share knowledge, experiences and proposals.

The project’s closing will include the making of a motivational video displaying ideas and key images from the whole process, as well as messages from participants to other women about obstacles and proposals for feminist empowerment and leadership.

The empowerment and effective leadership of young women is essential to promote gender equality in all social spheres, from the perspective of equal citizenship and active care, as suggeted by UN Women.

Equally, the Cabildo de Gran Canaria has included, in the form of general objectives in its ‘II Plan Estratégico de Igualdad de Oportunidades entre Mujeres y Hombres [II Strategic Plan for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men]’, the promotion and visibility of women’s active participation in all areas of social, economic and political life, especially where these are under-represented, to increase the presence of women in representative and decision-making positions in the political, economic, cultural or social areas, and remove the obstacles that stand in the way of the full engagement of women.

Link information: ONLINE TRAINING | Opciónate (

Keywords: women’s empowerment, youth, social and political participation, gender equity, online training, coaching