Perceptions and attitudes of young people in the Canary Islands regarding gender violence.

Client: Likadi.

Coordinated and co-financed by: Likadi, Codexca and Instituto Canario de Igualdad.

Dates: March- June 2020.

Scope: Institutions.

Services: Research.


Opciónate participates in the analysis commissioned by the Canary Islands Institute of Equality

Opciónate participates in a qualitative study on the perceptions and attitudes of young people in the Canary Islands regarding gender violence, an initiative financed by the Canary Islands Institute for Equality (ICI) and coordinated by Codexca and Likadi. The aim of the study is to gain a deeper understanding of how young people in the Canary Islands live and perceive gender violence to better plan the prevention efforts being promoted by the Government of the Canary Islands.

According to the latest data provided by the INE on gender violence, during 2019 in the Canary Islands 271 boys under 24 years of age were sentenced for gender-based crimes, 31 more than in 2018, 3 of them being adolescents below legal age.

The study is divided into two different parts aimed at gathering information among young people aged 14 to 29 years: the first phase of qualitative nature, where Opciónate has participated in the province of Las Palmas and which has already been completed, whereas the second involves the conducting of online surveys.

Optionate’s work in the qualitative study consisted in interviews and online focus groups given the COVID-19 situation. The online questionnaire, which is answered anonymously, is aimed at people aged between 14 and 29 living in the Canary Islands.

More information at: DIAGNÓSTICO_INFORME FINAL (