Participatory analysis and Fundgrube’s Gender Equality Plan.

Cliente: Fundgrube

Dates: 2020

Scope: Institutions and Businesses

Services: Consultancy, Evaluation, Plan Design, Training


In conformity with current legal requirements in relation to the implementation of equality plans, Fundgrube has commissioned Opciónate to coordinate a participatory analysis and design of a strategic and operational plan to promote gender equality for this important company. This main objective has been defined as the analysis of the extent to which the company promotes and ensures gender equality internally, from an organizational perspective, and externally, via the implementation of actions, identifying good practices and areas for improvement.

In addition, along the same path, objectives, results, actions and key indicators will be formulated to better promote gender equity internally and in relation to actions implemented by the organization.

The initiative also provides for the planning of adequate mechanisms of implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the process, results and impact of the Equality Plan, detailing actions necessary to effectively promote gender equality within the company, including a timeline, necessary resources and the people and departments responsible for materializing it.

Likewise, the degree of awareness and sensitization on gender equality of all its workforce will be increased through their participation in the process of identification and design of the Equality Plan and specific training actions once completed.

Key Words: equity, gender, mainstreaming, equality plan, institutionalization.