The feminist organisation Opciónate will launch ten questions to encourage reflection in the window of analysis that opens up on the occasion of International Women’s Day.

The feminist organisation Opciónate is taking advantage of the great window of analysis and debate that opens wide every 8th March, International Women’s Day, to launch the campaign ‘Do you really believe….?’ In this campaign, Opciónate poses ten key questions to assess the degree of equality of rights and opportunities between men and women, questions that will be answered weekly through its social networks.

Opciónate is a statewide non-governmental organisation based in Gran Canaria with more than twenty years of experience in local, national and international social projects and with a multidisciplinary team specialising in gender. The main objective of its initiative is to encourage individual and collective reflection on the need to continue commemorating 8M based on the reality of current gender inequalities in Spain.

The dynamic of questions and answers will encourage participation, debate and the contrast of ideas, as well as providing contrasted data that will answer the questions put on the table by the entity. The entity requests the participation of the public by answering these questions and also by sending suggestions of other additional key issues that are considered relevant to gender equality.

The range of questions that Opciónate will be asking in the digital world covers the influence of gender stereotypes in childhood, social and care work, the distribution of household chores and the dynamics that affect women’s salaries and the occupation of positions of power and relevance.

Similarly, it will be proposed to address the compatibility between parenting and care with economic autonomy and professional development, as well as violence, opportunities for women athletes, medical issues that specifically affect the female population, the invisibility of women in history, science and other fields, and women’s participation in the digital environment.

Two main questions structure, hover over and close the process opened by Opciónate: ‘Do you really believe that 8M is necessary? And, on the other hand: ‘Do you really think that in Spain we live in equality’. The debate is open.