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The association presented the Workshop ‘The Leader in You’ for the Asombrosas Community

Opciónate taught the workshop ‘The Leader in you’ for Asombrosas (Community of Women who Inspire) in the iconic facilities of Talleres Palermo in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The session was experiential, participative, and practical with the aim of helping the participants identify their capacities as leaders in different contexts and the ideal of leadership that inspires and motivates them.

Through experiential dynamics, they visualised and shared their self-image as a leader and defined next steps to increase their potential both personally and professionally.

As the organisation later summarised, “we experienced a workshop where we understood who our role models are and why. We ‘painted’ ourselves leading and above all we surrounded ourselves with all the important women in our lives to connect with who we are today thanks to them. Leading does not conform to patterns, formulas or a single style. There are many forms of leadership and all are equally valid. However, we are left with how much of a leader we feel when we are together. That magic is not understood if it is not felt.

More information: https://mailchi.mp/0228d4e3411e/asombrosa-2-post?e=fac7626683