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Opciónate collaborator Daniela Alarcón, among the webinar’s participants

Opciónate collaborator and co-director of British Organization Equality in Tourism Daniela Moreno Alarcón took part in the Webinar where participants discussed the importance of gender equality in the tourism industry to face the consequences and the reality imposed by Covid-19, coming to the conclusion that it is imperative that women involved in the tourism industry are included in key decision-making areas in the future.

Alarcón, an expert in the field of gender, tourism and development, focused on the widespread reluctance across all spheres in acknowledging and understanding the concept of gender equality. She also stressed that women make the majority of people employed in the tourism sector, and that the challenge therefore lies in ‘addressing gender bias inherent in existing policies and structures’.

To achieve greater gender equality, she said, it is necessary to shift the focus to key strategic issues, such as budgeting and policing with a gender mainstreaming approach that involves the implementation of gender equality strategies accompanied by funding and specific actions.

“During the recovery stage we must discuss the role of technology, embrace the implications of climate change, consider governance and accountability issues, and work on the emerging workforce dynamics in the tourism industry. New approaches must embrace the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” she claimed.

The various participants agreed on the need for networking, data exchange and tourism policies geared to lead the way towards sustainability and gender equality.

More information at: http://equalityintourism.org/events/