Ana Lidia Fernández-Layos collaborates in the organisation and moderation of participatory workshops for the promotion of gender equality through the equality plans of entities in the blue economy sector.

In the framework of the Winblue project implemented by PLOCAN and financed by the European Union, Opciónate collaborates in the technical support, dynamisation and moderation of the three training workshops with participatory methodology on gender equality in the blue economy developed in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria throughout the month of June 2024.

In addition, it participates in the elaboration of the final report that includes key information on the preparatory phase, implementation, results, conclusions and next steps.

The three training workshops are as follows:

1 and 2: two bottom-up co-creation workshops focusing on offshore renewables:

1. Identification of barriers and incentives to implement gender equality plans in the offshore renewable energy sector.

2. Implementation of models of gender equality plans in the offshore renewable energy sector.

3. A co-creation workshop focussing on Model Gender Equality Plans in the area of cross-cutting enabling technologies.

Winblue aims to accelerate the empowerment of women in the blue economy sectors by increasing the number of women in operational and decision-making positions in business, research, education and training through competence enhancement and coaching programmes.The WINBLUE project aims to facilitate women’s participation in 5 specific sectors of the blue economy:

  • Bioeconomy and circular blue biotechnology.
  • Aquaculture and fisheries.
  • Sustainable coastal tourism.
  • Marine renewable energies.
  • Cutting-edge enabling technologies to protect and restore marine ecosystems

The project contributes to addressing the challenges by implementing the following activities:

  • Filling existing data gaps and creating an inclusive EU blue economy observatory.
  • Selection of good practices and assessment of their impact, scalability and replicability.
  • Improvement of technical, managerial and entrepreneurial skills (e.g. support for women’s participation in governance structures).
  • Participation and cooperation by partners, as well as alliances and networking to maximise the impact of the results.