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Consolidation of mechanisms of the Care and Support Network for Women Victims of Gender-Based Violence in Guinea Bissau.

Client:   Fundação Fé e Cooperação (FEC)

Dates: February and March 2021

Scope: Institutions and Social Projects

Services: Research, Development, Materials, Consulting, Consulting


Opciónate will be responsible for provision of Technical Consultancy services in relation to project ‘Consolidación de los instrumentos de la Red de Atención y Acompañamiento a mujeres víctimas de Violencia Basada en Género (Vbg) [Consolidation of mechanisms of the Care and Support Network for Women Victims of Gender Based Violence (GBV)]’, implemented by Fundação Fé e Cooperação (FEC), within the framework of project ‘We take care of our lives. Women-Emancipation and rights of girls and women in Guinea-Bissau’ [Nô na cuida de nô vida, Mindjer – Emancipação e direitos para meninas e mulheres na Guiné- Bissau], implemented by NGO Mani Tese in partnership with FEC and Engim, and financed by the European Union, with identification number 02/EIDHR/2017/390-017, Camões – Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua and by Kindermissionswerk.

The project aims to promote and safeguard the rights of Guinean women and girls, based on the recommendations of CEDAW.

So, in order to prevent gender-based violence through systemic efforts to raise awareness and promote the socio-economic independence of women, and to improve access to reporting, the response regarding protection and reintegration of victims, we must work on the systematization and harmonization of the materials in the field of Care and Protection for GBV victims in the country, developing an operative system of care and protection for those mechanisms to be consolidated in the form of Regulations of the Centre for the Protection of GBV Victims in Guinea Bissau.

Residents of five different regions were defined as the population object of study, with a total of 47 tabankas (villages), including civil organizations –key actors in the area of prevention and fight against GBV–, state agencies such as the Institute for Women and Children (IMC) of Guinea Bissau, the Legal Aid Centers (CAJ) and CAJ Guardianship Centers (CICJU), national organizations, as well as social communication bodies.

A participatory, dynamic and active methodology will be used in this process, based on a gender and human rights approach. The Opciónate team will have the support and collaboration of local technical staff, ensuring an intercultural and multispectral vision will be maintained throughout the two months of the consultancy services. The intention is to make sure both key actors and local staff are always at the forefront of the process.

With the results obtained from the interviews with key local actors, working groups and workshops, and the systematization of these interviews, instruments, legislation and policies of Guinea Bissau, Opciónate hopes to contribute to ensure a more effective system of Care and Protection for GBV victims, as well as to put together a dossier to enable the subsequent application of the results obtained both in Guinea Bissau and in other Lusophone countries.

 Key words:

Gender-based violence, regulation of care for survivors of gender-based violence, Guinea Bissau.