Gender Equality Consultancy for Global

The company Global, an entity committed from its origins to the philosophy of Ethical Management and Corporate Social Responsibility and, therefore, aware and convinced that Equal Opportunities between Women and Men is a basic and central principle of citizen coexistence and social development, has contracted Opciónate to carry out the advisory functions in the implementation of its II Equality Plan.
From January to March 2022, Opciónate has given training in equality to 152 bus drivers with the aim of publicising and reinforcing its 2nd Equality Plan, as well as to effectively promote gender equality. Gender equality that not only permeates and eradicates sexism from the company’s everyday working life, but also aspires to deeply affect each and every one of its members so that, by extension, it has positive consequences in their homes, friendships and immediate surroundings.
Opciónate has also collaborated in Global’s sexual and gender-based harassment protocol, in the drafting of the inclusive and non-sexist language manual, as well as regularly contributing content to Global’s newsletter to increase awareness on gender equality.
Global, corporately responsible with the Canarian society, wants to contribute explicitly and decisively to the promotion of Equal Opportunities.